Our "Three Sister’s" trip to Mexico and how it was for only $298 for our 8 days 7 night for the 3 of us, not including the all-inclusive and airfare...it totaled $1,200 for the whole trip! That’s for ONE WEEK!
We DEFINITELY WILL BE USING our Membership as often as possible! We had a hoot of a time!
I don't think we sister’s have spent 8 days together since the time we left home?
We talked, laughed, ate A LOT, and yes, drank some too. It was Charlene's 45th birthday and my husband and my 28th Anniversary on Dec. 10th, so being in Mexico together, we girls celebrated a little.
The first day we just relaxed checked out the resort and all it had to offer, laid by the pool, had some cocktails and met many very fun, neat people from all over the world. It was interesting talking to them, getting to know a little about them and laughing with them. We all three enjoy meeting people that's for sure. Everyone called us "The Three Sister's" instead of the Three Amigo's. They always wanted to be where we were because we were always laughing and having so much fun. We would just wake up and do whatever happened to go on with us for that day.
We went to formal dinners three nights, snorkeled (free), did water aerobics, laid in the sun, played volleyball, walked the beach, I had a massage and went to a show, Char and Cindy para-sailed..Cindy never had before so wanted Char to go with her, had cocktails, laid in the sun some more then...we ate some more.
We were going to do a swim with the dolphins trip where we would see the Botanical Gardens, snorkel again, and have a lunch, but storm Olga came with hurricane winds, lasting a day in a half…needless to say, we cancelled that trip, laid around the resort, spent time in the dining areas, the lounge, and in our room watching movies and...you guessed it ate some more.
We rented a jeep two days later (the day before we had to leave) and drove the whole island of Cozumel. It was like driving in a circle, was pretty awesome! We got to see all the reefs, stopping at all the little restaurants and beach bars, swimming in the Caribbean Sea, laughing, eating, meeting so many people, we only had a few drinks because we had the jeep, but we sure ate a lot! Imagine that??
The town was decorated for Feliz Navidad (Christmas), the town tree was beautiful down by the ferry dock. Things were decorated nicely everywhere and spirits were joyous.
There’s a big world out there to explore and experience and we will be doing just that with our Vacation Membership!
Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably...Never regret anything that made you smile.
Life’s A Journey Travel Well
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