Larry and I will spend Christmas and New Year's there with my sister and her family and fly home in 2011.
Thank You Lord Jesus for always being near to all who call upon You. Thank You for being with us even when we stumble and fall. Thank You for carrying our burdens. Thank You that You open Your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing. All You have to do is open Your hand to meet our needs today. Lord, we open our hearts and cry out in truth and thanksgiving to You. PaPa God, we draw near to You this day and thank You for drawing near to us. Here we are, use us as we meet people in our travels to Texas. In Jesus name we pray, giving You thanks, glory, honor and praise. Amen and Amen. Psalm 145:14-21)
We left home at 8:am, dropped our girls (dogs) off with sister and niece, took gifts to grandkids. On the road again at 10:23 am. It was 44 degrees out. Next stop, Redding.
The men are praying to make it through Los Angeles by this evening? We are all excited.
Run into snow in Glendale. It is so beautiful! Smith Summit 1700 feet, snowing, driving is slow. Sexton Pass 1916 feet. Filled up in Medford…$3.29 a gallon!! Shasta was smooth sailing.
Had lunch with brother and sister-in-law. What a great visit we had with them. Back on the road at 3:30 pm. Ten hours to go to get to LA.
The fella's named the GPS, Gloria…she let’s them know where to go.
Dec. 21st - God is our greatest refuge. He doesn’t only shelter us, He provides for us and strengthens us. He is our help, hope and happiness. (Psalm146:1-10)
We arrived in Arizona 3:35 am. Stopped about 5:am at a rest area and slept for an hour or so. Back on the road at 6:45 am. The sunrise was absolutely fantastic! Oh the beauty God gives us to enjoy!
We drank our Biometics liquid vitamins, feelin' great and ready to go some more miles!
New Mexico 12:30 pm. Had a flat tire 12:45 and no jack…A good citizen stopped and helped us.
We had to buy a new tire at Wal-Mart in Deming, New Mexico.
Got a motel room in Fabens, Texas 6:pm. Had a nice dinner, shower and a good night sleep.
Dec. 22nd - The One who set the galaxies in motion is the same One who addresses our needs. There is no limit to God’s love, His understanding or His power. Ive Him the broken pieces of your life and let Him heal your heart. (Psalm 147:1-11).
Left Fabens at 8:am. Thank you Connie and Rita for the Christmas goodies. They were our breakfast, lunch and snacks for two days.
11:00 – we had a BIG blow out, ruined the rim!! Jesus is our help, hope and happiness. Thank You Lord, for Preston who stopped and had a jack.
1:00 – We found a tire shop and a rim. Ralph’s friend George had a rim. Ended up buying two new tires. Now we have three new tires!! That should get us to our destination.
2:00 – Back on the road. Five more hours of driving before arriving at sister's.
This is how our road trip went. I will update with more things that we do. The weather hasn't been too good and we have actually just enjoyed being home with each other, visiting, playing games, eating, sleeping, visiting, eating some more :-) You know how the holiday's are.
Stay tuned, we will be sharing our Christ-mas eve and Christ-mas Day with you next.
Thank the Lord for a safe, fun, and challenging trip ! I see those challenges as the mainteance plan for leeping us level and fine tuned.
Your trip/holiday sounds just perfect Debbie....I enjoyed the read...and am so blessed to have you as a friend.
Do you know if your gift package has arrived ?
Catch you later...much love
keeping....please excuse the bump~
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